Interview with an Intern: Emily Hargrove

Emily Hargrove
One of the best parts of the Museum is our team of student interns who help our programing come alive for the children who visit us. Interview with an Intern is our opportunity to highlight their achievements and learn a little bit more about some of the Museum's most familiar and friendly faces.

This month, we're featuring Emily Hargrove from Houston, Texas, a first year graduate student getting her Masters of Education in Elementary Education from the University of Mississippi School of Education

     1. What’s your favorite piece in the Museum? 

My favorite piece at the museum would be anything from Theora Hamblett’s Children’s Games collection. The unique style of her trees is a great example for our students who are still trying to develop their own ideas of what art is.  

A Tisket, A Taskit from Theora Hamblett's Children's Games collection

2.     What’s been your favorite project? 

One of my favorite projects so far was recently, students created assemblages inspired by Jason “Twiggy” Lott’s Apocrypha collection. Students used fabric embroidery hoops, paint, and magazine clippings to create a portrait. Students assembled their portraits on a foam board and covered the board using random objects including beads, clock faces, book pages, etc. Next, they added a layer of paint to their assemblages and the results were fantastic! Any project using multiple methods and materials is always exciting for both the students and myself. 

3.     How long have you been at the Museum and why did you want to be an intern?

I began volunteering at the Museum in Spring 2015, so almost two years now. I wanted to be an intern at the Museum because it gave me the chance to combine two things I love, art and education. The experience has truly been a blessing. 

4.     What’s your favorite part of being a museum intern?

My favorite part about being a museum intern is the involvement in outreach programs within the community such as Leap Frog and the Public Library. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to get involved and serve Oxford. It has shown me a side of Oxford beyond being a student at the University and made me feel more embedded in the community.

Emily preps for Art Zone on Wednesday afternoon.

5.     What’s the most challenging thing about being an intern?

The most challenging thing about being an intern has been learning to live with a little chaos in the classroom. Many of our classes involve young children and multiple materials; a little mess is inevitable. It is in my nature to clean constantly, being an intern has challenged me to let that go so I can focus on the students and enjoy the process. 

6.     How has being an intern helped you in your education? 

As a future educator I have learned a lot about different classroom dynamics. Every year we have different groups of students and although I may have a few familiar faces the classroom environment is always different.  Being an intern has helped me learn to adapt to different classroom dynamics and use positive behavioral management strategies. 

There are rarely behavioral issues, but learning to work with new art materials requires some focus and attention. Since many of our programs are after-school we want them to be fun and exciting for the students so I have gained a lot of experience with different positive reinforcement techniques. 

Emily's creative and healthy snack ideas wait to delight our Art Zone participants
7.     What is some advice you have for students? 

My advice would be to get involved! Don’t stay within your comfort zone. Even if it isn’t at the museum, get involved around campus and the Oxford community. There are so many opportunities to gain teaching-related experience and have fun doing it.  Say yes to every opportunity that comes your way because you will never have as many chances to experience new things and learn as you do while you’re in college. 

8.     What are your long-term goals? 

My long-term goals are to finish graduate school in May and begin teaching the following year. I haven’t made any decisions about where I would like to teach, but I see myself staying in Mississippi. I would like to teach upper elementary mathematics and science, but if I am ever given the chance to teach art I will be delighted!

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